Walwa Playground
The project has now been completed. Final touches on grass around the playground are being completed with an official opening ceremony and communications related to the project to follow.

Walwa is getting a new playground!
We're enhancing the playground on Main Street with new equipment, and greening the space with new landscaping and planting.
This project is being funded through a generous donation from the City of Kingston in response to the 2019/2020 black summer bushfires.

Can I have input into the design?
We had conversations with our younger community members at the Primary School and Early Years Centre on 27 February 2024. We asked them what kind of equipment they would love to see in the new playground design.
We also ran a survey, gauging community members on their opinions and ideas for the new playground. This survey closed 5pm Friday 15 March.
When will the project be completed?
The project is estimated to be completed in July 2024.
When will I see the new design?
The final designs are available to view below.